The Eyesight Handicapped Climber Jan Říha
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It´s Me

My name is Jan Říha. Let me share with you my "climbing" piece of knowledge and I will be happy to hear your experience to the contrary.
Mobile phone: 776 231 498
I was born in Olbramovice the 9th September 1976. I am living in Prague nowadays.
The poor eyesight is a handicap to me from birth. I devoted my spare time to sport - skiing, swimming, athletics during elementary school. I continued my study at professional educational establishment for eyesight handicapped children.
I am in employment of Prague Castle.
I belong to the HUMANITA mountain-climbing club.
The Start of My Climbing
"I found slow and sure with time that I can´t be sorry for me and I made up my mind to show to the world and firstly to myself that I would achieve something."
This was the chance which governed my way. It began the movement at the educational establishment where I came into contact with an artificial wall. First I mastered with patient a lot of artificial walls in different difficulties in order to be prepared for my "D" day. For the decision of moment of being in touch with a real rock for the first time. And at long last I had my day. I climbed the summit of the rock, really. I mastered it with an unforgettable feeling-full expression and experienced for sure to belong somewhere. Put on the second rope, my climb starts after the first climber because of my impracticability to be the first and secure. I am fully aware of my dependence upon group that hint rifts. It is possible to find out them without their help by myself but after a time. This way tires me and so my drive is lost heavily. I can climb the first as well when expresses or pitons are at disposal.
I will be happy to hear your experience.
How I Do My Climb
The Document Way to the Unknown
The ČT1 program Facts televised a story Way to the Unknown in August 2000, "featured" by me. This document was awarded three prizes from a total of eight ones given at the International Festival of Mountain-Climbing Films Teplice nad Metují in the year 2001, namely Prize of the Town Teplice nad Metují, Prize of the ALPINUS Company Major Sponsor and Special Award of the Jury. I give thanks the Czech Television for the gratuitous grant of a license without condition to use the shot on my web.
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